Photo Ideas

I’ve been thinking about possible photos that I could take for my magazine. Some ideas I’ve had include the impact on the environment the coronavirus has made, black lives matter, apprenticeships and jobs that people do.

My magazine looks at the jobs of film writer and animator. In terms of photographs for film writing and animation, they can be set up quite easily. My mum studied animation so has animation equipment that I could use. For film writing, I could have a photo of a piece of paper with notes written on it, someone’s hand writing things down, typing on a keyboard, notebooks, a pair of glasses laid down by paper.

In terms of the pet section, talking about getting a pet as a young adult and learning how to deal with owning one, I could take photos of the various ones around the house as an example. My idea for this is using my own dog for the special needs feature because he does help me to relax when my special needs cause me to be anxious. For the other pet feature, I could either use a hamster or a tortoise. The tortoise is helpful for close up shots as it’s small and very gentle.

For the cycling story, I could use a cyclist wearing a mask to show coronavirus times and to show that cycling has picked up during covid.

For learning to drive, I could take a picture of a driving instructor in a car, both wearing masks to show the current environment, or I could take a picture of an “L” plate and a highway code.

For moving out of home, photo ideas might be one or more people standing, carrying boxes. They could have a house behind them. I could also have a picture of a house, or a for sale sign, or possibly a sofa with a few household belongings.

Black lives matter. For this, I could visit Bristol and photograph the plinth where the Colston statue used to be. Although it’s not there any more, it’s still relevant to the protests.

For the recession article, I could photograph money from different angles. This could be coins, notes and even bank cards. This could be combined with a job website open on a laptop showing there are no jobs.

The exams and academic year might focus on similar things with regard to pictures. I could have pictures of students walking into College together. I could take a photo of a sign that says the school, college or university are closed. Specifically for the exams, I could have photos of exam papers or revision books.

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