Ideas for Magazine Content

I’m trying to think of ideas of what can go in a magazine because that will help me with my contents page. This could be a range of things that cover people’s ordinary lives but also things that can help with the disabled and autistic.

  • What it’s like getting a pet. (This could help with an autistic person getting a dog to help with their confidence or a disabled person getting a dog to help them walk).
  • Learning to drive a car. This can give people the ability to be able to travel places whenever they want and by themselves.
  • Moving out of Home. It’s fairly likely that in this age group, people might be choosing to leave home either because they are moving out for University or because they are buying or renting their own house for the first time.
  • Starting an Apprenticeship. This age group could cover people who are starting apprenticeships either at 16 after GCSE’s or when school finished as a way of entering the work place.
  • Going on Holiday. This age group might be starting to go on holidays with friends rather than family.
  • Going out. This age group are likely to be going out socially more than they have before due to being that bit older and having a bit more freedom and possibly a bit more money.
  • Covid-19. Interesting to look at the positive and negative impact of Covid to do with this age group. Lack of education due to schools and colleges having to close for a time. Possibly lack of jobs because Covid has made people unemployed anyway so there will be less jobs for young people who are looking for jobs for the first time. However, this could have led to an increase in people being more creative with their own work, e.g. working from home/setting up a small business that could plug some of the gaps created by Covid.
  • The Environment. Lockdown had a positive impact on the environment – less cars on the road = less pollution and quieter places in general meant that wildlife was able to come back.
  • Black Lives Matter. There have been lots of protests from the killing of George Floyd because it highlighted the fact that black people are still treated differently to white people in lots of situations.
  • The Recession. Recession caused by Covid and the country needing to shut down for three months means that there are less jobs for this age group to go into.

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